Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Streamlight TLR-1S Review

When it comes to gun accessories, there are few as important as the weapon-mounted light. It's essential to visually identify any potential threat before using deadly force, and with a flashlight, that becomes much easier. At night, it can be impossible to see who's lurking in shadows without illumination. While handheld flashlights can get the job done without issue, they all require the use of an extra hand. That's where weapon-mounted lights shine.

Enter the Streamlight TLR-1s

The company Streamlight is a major player in the tactical light industry. Based out of Eagleville, PA, Streamlight has been developing and manufacturing various styles of handheld and mountable lights for many years. Of their flashlights, the TLR series is probably the most popular for its combination of relatively low cost, high performance, and great versatility. This series boasts the best pistol lights available on the market, and some of the best weapon lights in general.

Many people consider the TLR-1s to be the gold standard of weapon-mounted lights. With a durable aluminum body, easy-to-activate rocker switch, blinding strobe option, C4 LED technology, 12,000 candela max beam intensity and 300 lumen output, 2.5 hours of continuous runtime, and compatibility with a wide range of firearm types, what's not to like? The only real difference between the TLR-1s and the older TLR-1 is the inclusion of the strobe function, a very powerful tool when it comes to self-defense. Rapidly flashing light blinds and disorients attackers to buy users adequate time to fight or flee. Another great feature of this compact unit is its mounting system. A captured screw and rail clamp allows users to quickly hand-tighten the light to any firearm. Removal is just as quick and easy. Even though the TLR-1s was designed for handguns, it can be easily attached to shotguns and rifles that have picatinny rails.

Who Should Consider This Firearm Accessory?

Anyone who owns a firearm should find the Streamlight TLR-1s to be an extremely useful tool. The light is marketed primarily towards the home-defense crowd, and it's pretty clear to see the advantages that it would offer. First, it would allow the user to get a more secure grip on the gun for more accurate shots and better recoil management since the light is attached directly to the weapon. A simple finger flick is all that would be required to switch the light on or off. Secondly, single-handed operation of the light when using a pistol keeps the other arm free so that the homeowner can open doors, guide loved ones to safety, and perform any other necessary action with much greater ease. The TLR-1s and other weapon-mounted lights eliminate the clunkiness of operation that comes with having one hand on a handheld flashlight and the other on a handgun. Although you should always have a quality handheld light at home, the Streamlight TLR-1s would certainly be a fine complement to it. Bright, rugged, and reliable, the Streamlight TLR-1s is trusted by professionals, so you can trust your life to it as well.

Friday, September 12, 2014

How to Become a Better MMA Fighter in 7 Steps

Wondering how to become a better MMA fighter? Looking to go pro and want to know how to become a UFC fighter? Here are some essential tips for MMA greatness, along with guidance for accomplishing each, to help you out in your mission.

  1. Join a good team to support your training and keep you grounded. Ask impartial but knowledgeable parties about how well a particular team's members have worked in the past with fighters. Does the team show a well-rounded portfolio of skills? Experience also counts for a lot. A coach who has successfully trained other winning champions in the most effective striking and grappling methods for MMA will be far more suitable for your needs than an expert in another martial art who has only recently decided to dabble in MMA training. Looking closely at the win-and-loss records for fighters who have worked with certain coaches is likely to be helpful as well.
  2. Hunt down the best gym for mixed martial arts. Trying to fit your specialized training into a dojo that dissipates its focus across multiple specialties will tend to dissipate your own focus and energies. Immersion in a good MMA-oriented environment will add to your fighting spirit and provide opportunities to talk with other MMA experts. If you've already found the right team, then you'll either have found the right location as well or else gotten a suggestion from the head coach for a suitable training ground.
  3. Train like a champion who fiercely wants to defend a hard-won victory. Thinking as if you've already won and need to be even better to keep your hard-earned glory will force your mind into a winning pattern. Weaknesses are then no longer threats to victory but temporary problems that will fall by the wayside as you battle your way to mastery. Maintaining good form at all times will prevent the insidious development of lazy habits that undermine your fighting skills, and carefully studying how other winners have fought against different opponents will add steadily to your knowledge, insight, and range of fighting techniques.
  4. Never forget to feed and rest the biological machine that is your body. Studies from many different groups of researchers have repeatedly shown that lack of sleep has an outsized effect on the ability to learn new skills and refine existing skills. Slogging through a daily haze of fatigue will rob you of most of your potential gains, so get your daily eight to nine hours of sleep. Remember that speed and endurance gains come not from exercising but from the long rest periods in between hard training sessions. Take frequent breaks even during training sessions to juice up your energies for the next intense bout. Needless to say, listen to your nutritional expert on what to eat and when to eat it. In training more than anything, you really are what you eat, so eat well.
  5. Water and ice will help you recover faster. Everyone knows staying hydrated is vital for general health and for quick recovery from pummeling your muscles and bones during hard training. Periodically gulping down replenishments for your precious bodily fluids isn't the end of the story for water, though. While the science surrounding the application of cold, iced water to muscles and joints after intense or extended exercise sessions remains controversial, many doctors, physical therapists, chiropractors, and elite athletes swear by it. Furthermore, some fighters consider contrast showers (1 minute hot, 30 seconds cold, repeat) and myofascial release therapy to be helpful for ameliorating the aftereffects of hard training, especially for a rough-and-tumble sport that involves a multitude of hard, sharp blows to sensitive points.
  6. Fight in the ring every chance you get, in sparring matches and in amateur fights. Find enthusiastic fighting buddies and vigorously hone your skills by entering every possible kickboxing and grappling competition you can. Amateur MMA competitions are great opportunities to test yourself against other fighters who may have surprising approaches. All the training in the world can’t replace the experience of a real fight. 
  7. Become balanced and well-rounded by incorporating unconventional activities like bikram yoga and slacklining into your training to improve your flexibility and balance. Choose a fighting style that plays to your strengths, and focus on training methods that amplify your best attributes. If you're physically stronger than most, emphasize your striking techniques; contrariwise, if you still enjoy fond memories of your wrestling career in high school and find that you tend to outlast opponents, focusing heavily on your ground game might work best for consistent victories. Regardless of your strengths, making certain to cover all the bases during training will ensure the ability to fight well against a wide range of opponents. 

Finally, whether you’re wondering how to train for MMA or want to know how to be a UFC fighter, negative people are best left alone to grumble and complain by themselves. You're a winner, and winners don't waste their time with soul-sapping whiners.

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